Slugs and Snails
Welcome to the slow-moving but fascinating world of slugs and snails, the garden’s gentle creatures. Did you know that slugs and snails are like cousins? Both belong to a group called mollusks, but snails carry a cozy shell on their back, while slugs prefer to go “”shell-less.””
Here’s a fun fact: snails have thousands of tiny teeth on a tongue-like organ called a radula. They use this to munch on leaves, flowers, and even chalk or paper for calcium, which helps them keep their shells strong.
And guess what? Slugs and snails are night owls! They come out to explore and eat mostly at night or on cloudy days. If it’s too sunny or dry, they hide away to keep their moist skin from drying out.
Did you know some snails can sleep for up to three years if the weather isn’t just right for them? That’s one long nap!
So, next time you spot a slug or snail sliding along, remember, they’re on a slow but important mission in the garden, breaking down decaying matter and being part of nature’s cleanup crew. Isn’t the world of slugs and snails surprisingly interesting?

Types of Slugs and Snails

Garden Slug

Banana Slug

Leopard Slug

Common Garden Snail

Brown-lipped Snail

White-lipped Snail

Giant African Snail

Roman Snail